Center for Civic Participation
A grant to Center for Civic Participation for general support activities,
including efforts to increase civic engagement by individuals and organizations
in the United States.
Minneapolis, MN $100,000 1
Center for Community Change
A grant to Center for Community Change to support its Community Voting
Project to support and strengthen grassroots organizing groups as they
integrate civic engagement strategies into their ongoing programs.
Washington, DC $50,000 1
Clean Water Fund
A general support grant to Clean Water Fund to support its various activities,
including efforts to strengthen and expand ongoing grassroots organizing
and outreach programs.
Washington, DC $525,000 2
Common Cause Education Fund
A general support grant to Common Cause Education Fund to promote fairer
elections and stronger civic engagement.
Washington, DC $300,000 1
Common Cause Education Fund
A general support grant to Common Cause Education Fund to promote fairer
elections and stronger civic engagement.
Washington, DC $100,000 1
Common Cause Education Fund
A general support grant to Common Cause Education Fund to promote fairer
elections and stronger civic engagement.
Washington, DC $300,000 1
Environmental Grantmakers Association
A project of Rockefeller Family Fund, New York, NY. A grant to Rockefeller
Family Fund recommended for its support of the efforts of Environmental
Grantmakers Association to promote, diversify, and expand environmental
New York, NY $100,000 4
League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
A general support grant to League of Conservation Voters Education Fund
to strengthen state environmental movements and increase the participation
of environmental supporters.
Washington, DC $600,000 1
Partnership Project
A general support grant to Partnership Project in support of its various
activities, including its Collaborative Environmental Campaign to coordinate
the activities of its member groups in defense of environmental protections.
Washington, DC $550,000 1
Rockefeller Family Fund
A general support grant to Rockefeller Family Fund to promote work in
environmental advocacy, civic participation, and a variety of other activities.
New York, NY $600,000 1
Sierra Club Foundation
A grant to Sierra Club Foundation to support its Building Environmental
Community Campaign.
San Francisco, CA $400,000 2
State Environmental Leadership Program
A general support grant to State Environmental Leadership Program to strengthen
the advocacy, organizing, media, fundraising, and operating capacity of
state environmental advocacy groups, including those essential to the success
of Beldon's Key States program.
Madison, WI $175,000 1
Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
A general support grant to Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership
to amplify the voice of hunters and anglers as advocates for sound environmental
Washington, DC $100,000 1
US Action Education Fund
A general support grant to US Action Education Fund to support its various
activities, including efforts to provide information, technical assistance,
and leadership development to state, regional, and national organizations.
Washington, DC $300,000 2
Washington Environmental Alliance for Voter Education
A general support grant to Washington Environmental Alliance for Voter
Education to support its various civic engagement and capacity building
Seattle, WA $50,000 1
Wellstone Action Fund
A general support grant to Wellstone Action Fund for training and leadership
development supporting the organizing and advocacy community.
St. Paul, MN $100,000 2
Western Organization of Resource Councils Education Project
A general support grant to Western Organization of Resource Councils Education
Project to support its various activities, including its efforts to strengthen
the advocacy, organizing, media, fund raising, and operating capacity of
advocacy groups in the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains region.
Billings, MT $75,000 1
Health and the Environment
Environmental Justice |
Alternatives for Community and Environment
A grant to Alternatives for Community and Environment for its Roxbury
Environmental Empowerment Project to develop environmental justice leadership
among youth through an environmental justice curriculum, an internship
program, and youth-led projects.
Roxbury, MA $100,000 2
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
A grant to Asian Pacific Environmental Network for its Asian Youth Advocates
Program to develop the leadership and organizing capacity of young Asian
Pacific Islander women in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Oakland, CA $35,000 1
Labor Community Strategy Center
A grant to Labor Community Strategy Center for its National School for
Strategic Organizing, which trains over 50 environmental and social justice
leaders each year.
Los Angeles, CA $75,000 1
People Organizing to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights
A project of The Tides Center, San Francisco, CA. A grant to The
Tides Center for support of its project People Organizing to Demand Environmental
and Economic Rights, which sponsors the Common Roots: Youth Organizer Program,
in conjunction with the Chinese Progressive Association, to develop low-income
immigrant youth of Chinese and Latino descent in San Francisco's Chinatown
and Mission districts into youth leaders and organizers for environmental
and economic justice.
San Francisco, CA $35,000 1
Southern Echo
A general support grant to Southern Echo for its various activities, including
its effort to assist groups to enhance the role and capacity of young people
to develop policy solutions to environmental problems.
Jackson, MS $75,000 1
Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice
A project of Community Networking Resources, Albuquerque, NM. A
grant to Community Networking Resources recommended for its support of
Southwest Network for Environmental and Economic Justice and its Environmental
Justice Youth Leadership Development Campaign.
Albuquerque, NM $35,000 1
Southwest Organizing Project
A project of Southwest Community Resources, Albuquerque, NM. A grant
to Southwest Community Resources recommended for its support of the efforts
of Southwest Organizing Project to train youth in disenfranchised communities
in the Southwest to be environmental justice advocates and leaders.
Albuquerque, NM $50,000 1
Southwest Public Workers' Union
A project of Centro por la Justicia, San Antonio, TX. A grant to
Centro por la Justicia recommended for its support of the efforts of Southwest
Public Workers' Union to provide education, advocacy and organizing training,
and leadership development to youth in low-income communities in southern
San Antonio, TX $25,000 1
Exposure to Toxic Chemicals |
Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides
A grant to Beyond Pesticides/National Coalition Against the Misuse of
Pesticides for its Coordinated Grassroots Campaign on Children, Pesticides
and Alternatives Project to build a broader and deeper base of support
for restricting toxic chemical use.
Washington, DC $50,000 1
Center for Health, Environment and Justice
A grant to Center for Health, Environment and Justice for a 2006 organizing
and advocacy conference on the precautionary principle, including state
and local follow-up activities.
Falls Church, VA $100,000 1
Center for International Environmental Law
A grant to Center for International Environmental Law for its Creating
U.S. Chemical Reform: Building Blocks and Bridges Project to develop a
strategy for enacting comprehensive chemical policy reform at the state
Washington, DC $75,000 1
Center for Progressive Reform
A general support grant to Center for Progressive Reform to support its
various activities, including efforts to ensure that state and federal
regulatory agencies can rely upon unbiased and reliable scientific information
and advice in implementing health, safety, and environmental laws.
Edgewater, MD $200,000 2
Center for Science in the Public Interest
A grant to Center for Science in the Public Interest for its Integrity
in Science Project to expose and prevent the destructive influence of corporate
interests on scientific research, publications, and science-based environmental
Washington, DC $100,000 1
Citizens' Environmental Coalition
A grant to Citizens' Environmental Coalition for its Alliance for a Toxic-Free
Future, a coalition of New York State organizations working to unite diverse
constituencies around the shared need for protection from toxic hazards
and the shared goal of precautionary policies.
Albany, NY $15,000 1
Citizens' Environmental Coalition
A grant to Citizens' Environmental Coalition for its Alliance for a Toxic
Free Future and its Environmental Health and Justice Caucus, both of which
promote state level and New York City toxic-free purchasing policies.
Albany, NY $100,000 1
Clean Air Task Force
A grant to Clean Air Task Force for its Citizen Diesel Emissions Monitoring
Project to partner with local groups to engage citizens and health professionals
in directly monitoring and publicizing the exposure of school children,
transit riders, and downtown and highway-side communities to toxic soot
and smog.
Boston, MA $75,000 1
Coming Clean Collaborative
A project of Kentucky Environmental Foundation, Berea, KY. A grant
to Kentucky Environmental Foundation recommended for its support of the
efforts of Coming Clean Collaborative to coordinate a multi-tactic campaign
against the chemical industry.
Consultative Group on Biological Diversity
A grant to Consultative Group on Biological Diversity for its Health and
Environmental Funders Network to build and strengthen the emerging field
of philanthropy at the nexus of health and the environment.
Washington, DC $40,000 2
Ecology Center
A grant to Ecology Center for its leadership and participation in national
and Michigan-based campaigns to eliminate persistent bioaccumulative toxins
in the health care and chemical industries.
Ann Arbor, MI $60,000 1
Environmental Media Services
A grant to Environmental Media Services for its Science Communication
Network to expand the number and disciplines of scientists and medical
experts willing and ready to talk with the media on issues of environmental
Washington, DC $75,000 1
Environmental Defense
A grant to Environmental Defense for it Health Program to phase out persistent
toxic chemicals and develop precautionary chemicals policies.
New York, NY $100,000 1
Environmental Health Sciences
A project of Virginia Organizing Project, Charlottesville, VA. A
grant to Virginia Organizing Project recommended for its support of the
efforts of Environmental Health Sciences to translate and communicate emerging
environmental health research and broaden the base of support for environmental
Charlottesville, VA $100,000 1
Environmental Health Strategy Center
A project of The Tides Center, San Francisco, CA. A grant to The
Tides Center for support of its project Environmental Health Strategy Center
to phase out persistent toxic chemicals and develop a state-based precautionary
chemicals policy.
Bangor, ME $100,000 2
Environmental Research Foundation
A general support grant to Environmental Research Foundation to inform
community-based activists, journalists, government officials, health-affected
groups, and medical professionals about the relationship between human
health and environmental deterioration, and innovative policies to remedy
these problems.
New Brunswick, NJ $25,000 1
Environmental Working Group
A grant to Environmental Working Group for its Toxics and Health Program
to demonstrate the link between chemical exposure and health using body
burden monitoring data.
Washington, DC $200,000 1
Focus Project
A grant to Focus Project for its Working Group on Community Right-to-Know
Project to promote public awareness of toxic exposure and health, and work
to protect and strengthen state and federal right-to-know policies.
Washington, DC $60,000 1
Green Media Toolshed
A grant to Green Media Toolshed for its Advocacy Strategy for the Age
of Connectivity Project.
Washington, DC $43,000 1
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
A grant to Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy for its Food and
Health Program for work towards statewide chemical policy reform.
Minneapolis, MN $75,000 1
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
A project of Edmund S. Muskie Foundation, Bethesda, MD. A grant
to Edmund S. Muskie Foundation recommended for its support of the efforts
of National Caucus of Environmental Legislators and its Brominated Flame
Retardant Project.
Bethesda, MD $25,000 1
Natural Resources Council of Maine
A grant to Natural Resources Council of Maine for its Reducing Persistent
Bioaccumulative Toxic Chemicals in Maine Project.
Augusta, ME $25,000 1
Natural Resources Defense Council
A grant to Natural Resources Defense Council for its Environmental Health
Project to ensure that the science used by government to develop regulations
of toxic chemicals is free from manipulation by industry groups.
New York, NY $200,000 1
New Jersey Work Environment Council
A general support grant to New Jersey Work Environment Council for its
various activities, including its efforts on chemical security.
Trenton, NJ $25,000 1
Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund
A grant to Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund for its Good Neighbor and
Public Education Campaigns to prevent toxic pollution in Ohio and to push
for the phaseout of perfluorochemicals.
Cleveland, OH $50,000 1
Pesticide Action Network North America
A grant to Pesticide Action Network North America for its Persistent Pesticides
Campaign to collaborate with organizations in Michigan and North Carolina
to ban specific high profile compounds and to reduce exposure to all persistent
San Francisco, CA $130,000 1
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
A grant to Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors for its Gulf Coast Ecological
Health and Community Renewal Fund.
New York, NY $50,000 1
Science and Environmental Health Network
A grant to Science and Environmental Health Network for its Science Analysis
for Environmental Health Project.
Union of Concerned Scientists
A grant to Union of Concerned Scientists for its Restoring Scientific
Integrity Campaign to bring back objectivity, transparency, and nonpartisanship
to the process through which scientific knowledge is factored into federal
policy decision making.
Cambridge, MA $100,000 1
West Harlem Environmental Action
A grant to West Harlem Environmental Action for its Environmental Health
and Justice Caucus of the Alliance for a Toxic Free Future, a coalition
of New York State organizations working to unite diverse constituencies
around the shared need for protection from toxic hazards and the shared
goal of precautionary policies.
New York, NY $15,000 4
American Nurses Association
A project of American Nurses Foundation, Washington, DC. A grant
to American Nurses Foundation recommended for support of its project RN
No Harm, which is designed to activate nurses as advocates for environmental
Silver Spring, MD $150,000 1
Breast Cancer Action
A general support grant to Breast Cancer Action to deploy its membership
in national, state, and local efforts to reduce human exposure to toxic
chemicals and advocate for greater use of the precautionary principle.
San Francisco, CA $50,000 1
Breast Cancer Fund
A grant to Breast Cancer Fund for its Washington State Program.
San Francisco, CA $35,000 1
Californians for Pesticide Reform
A project of Pesticide Action Network North America, San Francisco, CA. A
grant to Pesticide Action Network North America recommended for its support
of the efforts of Californians for Pesticide Reform to coordinate a state
level environmental advocacy coalition of 175 groups led by new advocacy
voices in the health-affected, medical, and parent/teacher communities.
San Francisco, CA $75,000 1
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
A project of Breast Cancer Fund, San Francisco, CA. A grant to Breast
Cancer Fund recommended for support of its project the Campaign for Safe
San Francisco, CA $300,000 1
Center for Children's Health and the Environment
A project of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY. A grant
to Mount Sinai School of Medicine recommended for its support of the efforts
of Center for Children's Health and the Environment and its Reduction of
Children's Exposures to Toxic Pesticides Project.
New York, NY $75,000 1
A grant to Commonweal for its project the Collaborative on Health and
the Environment to inform and engage organizations that represent health-affected
people in environmental health advocacy and issue campaigns.
Bolinas, CA $200,000 2
Health Care Without Harm
A grant to Health Care Without Harm for its project to expand the involvement
and activism of nurses in environmental health, with a special emphasis
on the transformation of chemicals policy.
Arlington, VA $200,000 1
Institute for Children's Environmental Health
A project of The Tides Center, San Francisco, CA. A grant to The
Tides Center for support of its project Institute for Children's Environmental
Health, which sponsors the Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative.
Freeland, WA $50,000 2
Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition
A grant to Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition for its Massachusetts
Precautionary Principle Project, a coalition of Massachusetts organizations
working to achieve fundamental reform at the state-level policymaking and
regulation on chemical use--stressing prevention of harm to public health
and the environment.
Quincy, MA $100,000 1
Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy
A grant to Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy for its Protecting
the Public from Pesticides Project to increase public awareness and involvement,
and ensure positive and lasting changes to Minnesota's pesticide policy.
St. Paul, MN $55,000 1
Silent Spring Institute
A general support grant to Silent Spring Institute for its various activities,
including efforts to develop tools for science-based advocacy.
Newton, MA $150,000 2
Trust for America's Health
A grant to Trust for America's Health for its Expanding Biomonitoring
through Education and Collaboration Project to continue its work advancing
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state public health
laboratories' biomonitoring programs.
Washington, DC $100,000 1
Center for Civic Participation
A general support grant to Center for Civic Participation to support continued
assessment and planning work among advocacy organizations in several states.
Minneapolis, MN $100,000 1
Center for Public Interest Research
A general support grant to the Center for Public Interest Research for
organizing and policy work in the Key States.
Boston, MA $300,000 1
Clean Water Fund
A general support grant to Clean Water Fund to support its various activities,
including its efforts to strengthen and expand ongoing grassroots organizing
and outreach programs in Florida and the Upper Midwest.
Washington, DC $400,000 1
Center for Civic Participation
A grant to the Center for Civic Participation for its Save the Voter's
Voice Project, a coalition working to educate Floridians about the right
to petition their government through the citizen initiative process.
Minneapolis, MN $42,000 1
Clean Water Network
A project of Natural Resources Defense Council, San Francisco, CA. A
grant to Natural Resources Defense Council for the Florida office of its
Clean Water Network project to continue advocacy, litigation and media
work around water issues in Florida.
Washington, DC $50,000 1
Florida Association of Community Organizations
for Reform Now
A project of American Institute for Social Justice, Washington, DC. A
grant to American Institute for Social Justice recommended for its support
of the efforts of Florida Association of Community Organizations for Reform
Now to bring together the environmental and labor communities to advocate
for effective environmental and human health policies.
Miami, FL $200,000 1
Michigan Environmental Council
A grant to Michigan Environmental Council for its Fundraising Capacity
Building Project.
Lansing, MI $100,000 1
Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education
A general support grant to Michigan League of Conservation Voters Education
Fund to strengthen the capacity of the environmental and conservation movement
to mobilize citizens as informed voters and advocates.
Ann Arbor, MI $180,000 2
National Wildlife Federation
A grant to the National Wildlife Federation's Great Lakes Resource Center
for its work organizing donors in Michigan, and for its Clean the Rain
State Mercury Project.
Ann Arbor, MI $75,000 1
Land Stewardship Project
A grant to support the Land Stewardship Project's Farm and Rural organizing
project to build support for environmental protection among rural constituencies
in Minnesota.
Minneapolis, MN $50,000 1
Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
A grant to Minnesota Council of Nonprofits for its Minnesota Participation
Project to engage diverse constituencies in training, capacity building,
organizing, and civic engagement.
St. Paul, MN $110,000 2
Minnesota League of Conservation Voters Education
A general support grant to the Minnesota League of Conservation Voters
Education Fund for its ongoing work to educate citizens and organizations
on effective participation in government for conservation goals.
St. Paul, MN $100,000 2
North Carolina
Conservation Council of North Carolina Foundation
A general support grant to Conservation Council of North Carolina Foundation
to provide advocacy tools and build a stronger network among the state's
environmental advocates.
Raleigh, NC $50,000 1
North Carolina Conservation Network
A general support grant to North Carolina Conservation Network for its
facilitation and coordination of environmental advocacy efforts in North
Raleigh, NC $210,000 1
North Carolina Conservation Network
A grant to North Carolina Conservation Network for its 'Playing to Win'
collaborative of six state-level advocacy organizations working to increase
the power of the state's environmental community.
Raleigh, NC $50,000 1
Pamlico-Tar River Foundation
A general support grant to Pamlico-Tar River Foundation to support its
various programs, including a partnership with Neuse River Foundation to
advocate for protecting and cleaning two of the largest watersheds in the
state, and for stronger enforcement of current clean water laws in North
Washington, NC $50,000 1
Clean Wisconsin
A general support grant to Clean Wisconsin to continue its advocacy and
organizing work to protect Wisconsin's air, water and special places.
Madison, WI $150,000 1
Midwest Environmental Advocates
A general support grant to support Midwest Environmental Advocates' various
programs, including its outreach to diverse local groups in key areas of
the state, and providing a credible threat of litigation to protect Wisconsin's
air, water and land.
Madison, WI $100,000 1
Proteus Fund
A grant to Proteus Fund to support the Wisconsin Blueprint Project to
identify opportunities to strengthen the power of the advocacy community
in Wisconsin.
Amherst, MA $35,000 1
Wisconsin Citizen Action Fund
A general support grant to Wisconsin Citizen Action Fund to increase and
diversify the advocacy capacity of the state's environmental community
by leading a diverse and cooperative coalition of groups and mobilizing
citizens across issues and constituencies throughout the state.
Madison, WI $150,000 1
Wisconsin Conservation Voters Institute
A general support grant to Wisconsin Conservation Voters Institute for
its continued role in strategically convening the environmental advocacy
community through the Wisconsin Conservation Power Project, and for its
ongoing work to connect conservation-minded citizens with the policy making
Madison, WI $200,000 2
Wisconsin Conservation Voters Institute
A general support grant to Wisconsin Conservation Voters Institute for
its various activities, including developing a statewide, multi-issue,
multi-constituency field organizing plan.
Madison, WI $125,000 1